water treatment

Our company covers all the needs of the domestic and professional equipment for the protection and the good quality of water. 

heating - air conditioning

Our Company covers all the needs of a modern residence regarding the Heating issue: Heating with petrol, with gas, with wood pellets, as well as electric heating.

pools - hydromassage

Building a swimming pool has never been an easy case. The pool is the most significant outdoor decorative of a residence or a hotel.

plumbing - sanitary ware - tiling

The installation of the water supply and drainage piping systems is vital for every building. The pipings are hidden, so every faulty installation can cause complex problems, such as constant fetidity and even flood.

solar and geothermal systems

The solar thermal systems of combined operation for the production of Domestic Hot Water and for the heating of areas can cover in an annual base 10% - 50% of the needs of a house in Heating and in Domestic Hot Water, depending on the size of the collection surface it will be installed on, the volume of the boiler, the meteorological data of the region and the characteristics of the residence (size, quality of insulation, thermal needs).

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